3-20 lbs. $120
21-40 lbs. $140
41-50 lbs. $150
51-60 lbs. $170
61-70 lbs. $180
71-80 lbs. $190
81-90 lbs. $220
91-100 lbs. $260
No male dogs over 100 lbs.
3-20 lbs. $135
21-40 lbs. $155
41-50 lbs. $185
51-60 lbs. $200
61-70 lbs. $240
No female dogs over 70 lbs.
$75 $90
Pain medication is required for all pets getting spayed or neutered
We will also send home an E-Collar to help keep your dog from licking or chewing at the incision site. $12
Additional charges may apply if your pet has any of the following: recent or active heat, pregnant, postpartum, overweight, pyometra/hydrometra, cryptorchid, aggression. $25-$100
We require proof of a Rabies vaccine for all dog appointments. If your dog's rabies vaccine is expired, or your pet hasn't been given a rabies, one will be administered at the time of the appointment.
Rabies $30
DAPPv $30
Bordetella $30
Leptospirosis $30
Heartworm Test $30
Iverhart plus - dependent on weight, please call for prices.
Rabies $30
FeLV $30
FIV-FeLV Test $38
Any Two Vaccinations (cats-dogs) $48
Any Three Vaccinations (cats-dogs) $72
All Four Vaccinations (dogs only) $96
(3 week booster vaccine prices are not included in package pricing)
Microchip (Includes lifetime registration fee) $30 Pedicure- free (available only if pet is undergoing anesthesia) Anal Gland Expression $45
When combined with another surgical procedure $40-$80 (price determined by size)
When done alone, the price is as follows:
Umbilical hernia repair $180
Price includes:
Pain medication
Antibiotics $35 (If required)
One eye $360
Both eyes $460
Price includes:
Pain medication
IV catheter/ Fluid Therapy $30
Antibiotics $35
Eye meds (cherry eye repairs) $15
When combined with another surgical procedure $40-$80 (per dew claw -price determined by size)
When done alone, the price is as follows:
Rear dew claw(s) removal $180
Price includes:
Pain medication
Antibiotics $35 (not included in above price)
Exam Fee $25: This fee will be waived if we can perform your pets dental cleaning at our facility.
Dental Cleaning $130-$200: Price will be dependent upon size of pet and severity of dental disease.
Pain Medication $15: We will only send pain medication home if pet has extractions or doctor requires they be sent home.
Extractions $20 per tooth: We do NOT stop dental to call owner for approval of extractions. (We only pull loose and incisor teeth if needed, we do not pull multi rooted teeth unless tooth is loose.)
Antibiotics $35: We may not know if your pet needs antibiotics until we are performing the cleaning.
Pre-Anesthetic Blood work $50: Required if pet is 5 YO or older. Basic health screening including ALP, ALT, BUN, CRE, GLU, TP, must be done day of dental or within 30 days of dental if bloodwork is done elsewhere.
We are not a full service hospital or a dental specialist; therefore, we do not have equipment such as dental radiographs or high speed drills. We cannot evaluate teeth under the gum line which includes the root of a tooth and the supporting bone. Because of these factors we will not extract teeth unless they are loose as retained roots and jaw fractures can be rare complications. This means we may have to leave teeth that have issues like gingival recession, deep gingival pockets along the roots, or exposed roots. These teeth may need to be extracted with your primary veterinarian or with a dental specialist. All your pet's teeth will be ultrasonically scaled and polished.
Files coming soon.